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My journey with photography started in 2017, and it quickly turned into something I loved more than anything. For a long time, I worked a regular job and saved up all I could, just so I could travel and snap pictures whenever I got the chance.

Finally, in October 2023, I made a big leap. I quit my job to chase after this photography dream full-time. It's been exciting, a little scary, but totally worth it.

This shop is my little corner of the internet where I share the beauty I capture. When you buy a print, you're not just getting a piece of art; you're helping a dream grow and supporting a small business that's got a lot of heart.

Thanks for stopping by, and if you see a print you love, know that you're making a huge difference in keeping this dream alive!



Born in the Czech Republic in 1996, I come from a Vietnamese family. Art was my thing since I was little—I was that kid who'd rather draw in the corner. But, let's be real, making a living as an artist seemed tough and felt the pressure from my parents. So, I ended up studying engineering, which... well, it didn't go great. It made me pretty miserable, to be honest.

Then, in 2016, I got to travel to China. That trip was a game-changer; it made me realize what I'd been missing: I wanted to see more of the world. Fast forward a bit, I'm grinding away at a 9-5 job that I just can't stand. But everything gets brighter when I meet my girlfriend at work—she's amazing, and traveling together just reignites my love for art and seeing new places.

One day, I just thought, "What am I doing with my life?" So as of october 2023 I made a big decision—I quit my job to chase after what I really love: capturing moments from around the world and sharing them with people like you.

So here I am, trying to live the dream, one photo at a time. When you shop with me, you're not just buying a picture; you're giving a thumbs-up to chasing dreams and doing what you love. I appreciate that more than you know.

Thanks for dropping by, and maybe stick around to find a piece of this beautiful world to hang on your wall!